It is now one week after our soft launch and we have some interesting analytics to measure the response thus far. First and most concrete, the number of active accounts now using the website has reached 20. In all honesty our team was joking (not joking) that three would have been a huge victory. Needless to say then we are truly happy with this result.

I’ll list a few other key figures that we’ll be tracking as community analytics as we progress:

The launch has been designated a success.

Patreon | two new supporters! This brings our company revenue to 10$ a month and pays for our generative art AI platform we are currently subscribed to. We are very excited about this initial support as it is our first step towards covering the development costs. If you don’t already and are enjoying using the app please consider supporting us there on our Patreon.


Youtube channel ‘Radiant’ - 9 subs | 61 views - A big thanks to everyone who subscribed and checked out our company intro video.

This website ‘Chronicle’ | 358 unique visitors in the last 30 days - This was great to see and a strong indication that our team is being viewed by those who may use the website and hopefully will give a glimpse into the culture that we are creating at Chronicle / Radiant Assistant. We hope as well you will continue to enjoy these updates as a sort of behind the scenes of what is going on and progressing.

Coming out of the bootcamp we attended it was made abundantly clear that if you try and start of business in the tech world to have any kind of traction to start is incredibly difficult. Getting anyone to use your app can be a long and arduous process. That fact has made the first week’s results summarily satisfying. We didn’t know exactly what our numbers would be but certainly the results gotten so far have exceeded them.

It is now August 8th as I write this and we are in our final week in Japan. Work visas are on their way to being sorted out, plane tickets have been booked and we are scheduled to fly in quite short order over to Thailand. We will make every effort to stay active across our various channels of communication but do expect a bit of a lull as we arrive and find housing. That said, we will certainly respond to any engagement from the community in that time. We may have life details to set up but we can always communicate with people who want to see what using Radiant Assistant is all about.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and if you’ve got a friend who plays DND or any other table-top role playging game, please send them on over to www.radiant-assistant.com - we’d love to hear their thoughts.

Take care,



Chronicle sets up base of operations in Thailand. Begins second phase of work on Radiant Assistant.


Radiant, The world’s first story-telling ai assistant